• Elevating your joy & upgrading your mindset


  • Being in control of your life & being less reactive


  • Feeling alive & full of on-demand energy


  • Discovering what ignites your soul & aligning yourself for the next level of success


  • Identifying & extracting those things that are stealing your energy

Let me be your guide

... to an accelerated, powerful, expansive journey towards achieving the business success & lifestyle that you truly are seeking.

10 X's faster, with a deeper connection to yourself and others, while reawakening your passion-filled essence!

If you desire to achieve what you were meant to, and you are truly ready to step into your extraordinary magnificence, keep reading!

What People A1 Columnre Saying...


Dana Giddens

"This program has been transformative. By recognizing in myself the occasional personality of the “Overachiever” I was able to understand what triggers me to fall into those behaviors. Whether in relationships with co-workers, family or friends, I can say this program is a must for any person who wants to push through the barriers and become Unstoppable!"

Jen Donahue

"But the truth is, if we don’t have the tools, we could go forward blindly… failing to achieve anything really useful. Jamie gives us those tools and teaches us how to use them. How to live a life where we create intended outcomes!"

Shannon Hysell

"This easy-to-follow and enlightening course gave me a clear path to understanding which situations and environments were triggering my unhealthy reactions to stress and holding me back both professionally and in my personal relationships."

The Results:

Uplevel your ...





• Decrease your Learning Timeline

• Accelerate from Point A ~> B 10X's Faster

• Decrease Struggle, Chaos, Stress & Burnout

• Integrate Quantum Leaps to Propel Yourself Forward

• Gain Next Level Strategies

• Create a Powerful Foundation to Become Unstoppable


- Lilly Cortes, PonaOwner LCP Coaching

“It is always an honor to collaborate with Jamie G. and see the innovative thoughts she comes up with. She presents them with such finesse and tremendous engagement. Unstoppable is forward-thinking and will challenge you and your team to elevate to new levels using this process."

Introducing: Power

10 weeks to your next level of


Phase 1: Foundations

Week 1

Default Operating Systems &

Primal Instincts:

Discover the mental mindsets & reactions that you default to under stress or crisis.

Recognizing these default patterns will allow you to proactively shift out of them more quickly.

Week 2


Become aware of what triggers your default mindsets & reactions.

Identifying these will empower you to shift away from their control over you.

Week 3

Grace & Reflection:

Gain grace for yourself & insight into why your triggers exist.

This deeper understanding will shift their power over you & release you into personal freedom.

Week 4

Bonus Integration Week:

​Time for going deeper, integrating further

& catching up!

Phase 2: fusion

Week 5

Soul Igniters:

Explore what ignites & restores your soul.

This shift to intentionally uncover & add these into your life will elevate your joy, confidence

& frame of mind.

Week 6

Power Strategy:

Architect your own success formula.

Shift into anticipating challenges & develop customized strategies to overcome them... creating more confidence & dynamic control over the outcome.

Week 7

Bonus Integration Week:

Time for going deeper, integrating further

& catching up!

Phase 3: ignite

Week 8

Celebrate & Adjust:

Acknowledge your accomplishments & progress while making crucial adjustments to your success formula.

This shift into gratitude gives you the ability to see the possibilities & opportunities around you.

Week 9

Energy Management

Learn to protect your energy.

By actively engaging in those things that increase your energy & limiting those that don't, you shift into an accelerated version of yourself & gain more creativity, motivation, connection & momentum.

Week 10

Intentional & Consistent:

Fully integrate the 7 shifts

Unlocking a Unique Extraordinary Existence!

Your LUXE Life!

So, are you ready to take back control of your life?

Are you ready for more clarity, success, and making an impact in the world?

It is time for you to rise above the chaos, stress, burnoButtonut & overwhelm!

Dena Martin

If you want to understand why you act, behave & make the choices that you do...and how to change it & take your life to the next level, this is the course for you...

Beth Kailes

I joined to find less overwhelm & more peace...I found self discovery & realized that there is beauty in the mess & that I am not alone, everybody struggles... & this is going to free me up to be the amazing version of me that I know that I can be.


Sherri Waller O'Brien

It is an ego boost, an emotional boost, a brain boost, & an accountability boost...this course is the best thing I've ever done...

“This course was formerly called “Become the Overcomer”.
It is now “POWER” which has enhanced content and resources”

Program Bonuses:

Bonus #1
$97 Value

7 Days to a More Creative, Authentic You!

  • Rise and Reconnect more Deeply with Yourself & Others

  • Gain Immediate Access​ to 7 Powerful Days of Reigniting your Creativity, Vibrancy & Connection

Bonus #2
$97 Value

Influencer Series - Acceleration 1

  • Learn this Life-Changing Mind Shift to Living Fully Expressed

  • Affirmation Intensifier

  • ​​Integrations Intensifier

Bonus #3
$997 Value

2 Bonus Integration Weeks

  • I want you not only to Succeed, but to Thrive in 'Becoming Unstoppable' So, I have Included...

  • 2 Additional Bonus weeks of Support, Integration & Coaching

Bonus #4
$1300 Value

Velocity Online Course ​

In this Deep Dive Course You will ...

  • Learn to Prioritize & Align Yourself for Extraordinary Success

  • Discover How to Actively Engage with and Command Your Energy

  • ​Uncover How to Stop Allowing Other People's Negative Energy's & Agenda's to Control You

Any one of the below shifts could move your life into massive momentum, but together these create a powerful force, giving you the secret advantage in creating the life you truly desire

  1. Learn to shift out of your negative patterns & reactions

  2. Identify your triggers, releasing their control over you

  3. Experience freedom from getting sucked into other people’s energies, agendas’ and issues

  4. Elevate your joy & frame of mind

  5. Create confidence through powerfully, designed successes

  6. Open up to the possibilities & opportunities
    that are surrounding you

  7. Increase your creativity, motivation, momentum, & connection
    with self and othersButton

From Jamie G

3 Top Traits to Being Unstoppable

It is up to you now. One thing I know is that taking
DECISIVE, IMMEDIATE ACTION is key to you Possessing and Implementing Change. It is one of the most essential characteristics you can begin to employ. It is where Everything Begins and how Massive Momentum becomes possible for you right now.

You don’t have time to waste. Your Time is Valuable and Limited. If you have a deep desire to achieve the next level in your business, but you want the most Efficient and Effective way to get there, you need someone to give you a STEP by STEP ROADMAP to easily walk you through the process. You want to Take Years Off the Learning Process and Accelerate past the self doubt, judgement, limiting beliefs and lack of clarity that will hold you back and delay the process and thus your success.​

One of the top secrets and Success Hacks to acquiring your dreams, is being in COMMUNITY with other like minded & spirited individuals like yourself. This key element of collaboration creates an environment for thriving, expansion, deeper growth, and fulfillment because you have a tribe to conquer challenges and celebrate victories with, while also being held accountable to your bigger visions and aspirations. ​

The Unstoppable Course will not only create your
Desired Results but will Headlinealso Curate an Experiencefor upleveling and change like you have never ecountered before.

Large Call to Action Headline

Just to Recap...

Your next 10 weeks will be filled with...

  • 8 Weekly Training modules, plus two Bonus Integration weeks to help you realize, reconnect, and rise to your Next level of success!

  • ​8 Companion weeks of Worksheets, Activations, Tools, and Journal Prompts to help accelerate your transformation into becoming Unstoppable.

  • 10 LIVE collaborative coaching calls with Jamie G. and your new.

  • community where you can ask questions, share successes, and challenges, and get personalized, focused support with your goals and integrations. That means you get 2 added Bonus LIVE calls with your 2 Bonus Integration weeks!

  • Access to a private online community where you can network, connect, share challenges, and successes & experience life together while you process and develop into your Unstoppable capabilities.​

  • ​​​3 Bonuses:

    7 Days to a More Creative & Authentic You​

    Influencer Series - Acceleration 1

    Velocity Online Course

What are you waiting for? NOW is your time to make the advancements in your business & life you have been yearning for. Later is not an option if you are truly ready to create the business success & lifestyle you desire! You were meant for such a time as this. You are here for a reason. Let’s do this together!

Simply ask yourself…

Don’t miss out! Put it on your calendar, as this is an interactive, paced program that will be powerfully done within the Unstoppable community.

What makes students who have taken this course so successful?

They committed, had a positive attitude, made it a priority, showed up fully every week, did not make excuses, didn't judge themselves or others, had fun and engaged with the community and supported one another! They wanted more for their business and life and they committed to the process, leaned on one another for encouragement and didn't let the fear of failure stop them from achieving their deepest desires, that which they were created for! It's your time, no more doubting or putting off what is calling to you. Join us! It will be an extraordinary experience of growth and gain where the future version of you has room to emerge!

I’ve tried other personal/self-development programs that didn't work. Will this be any different?

This will be different if you choose for it to be. The beauty is you get to decide. Do you want to change your life? Do you want to reach another level? Do you want more creativity, freedom and resilience? If you commit, I will be right there beside you cheering you on, celebrating your wins, challenging you when you make excuses and reaching out a hand when you feel like you failed. That's what this amazing community is all about. Doing life together.

If my life is a complete mess, will this course still benefit me?"

This course will benefits you in ways you cannot imagine. You just have to start. This is your place to start. You are here for a reason.

I’m really busy and have lots of responsibilities, will I still be able to get what I need out of the course?

Your ability to change and grow is completely up to you. You need to make yourself a priority in order to change your life. It is a choice that only you can make, but if you do, you will be grateful for the greatness that comes forth from you. In my experience, you always get what you need in that moment, as long as you fully embrace and engage with what you are being given.

​What can I expect when I decide to join ‘Unstoppable?’

An amazing community of support. People just like you that have a growth mindset, want to rise to their next level, are willing to try their best and have grace in the midst of the process. It will be challenging at times as well as incredibly amazing because of the breakthroughs you will experience and the connections you will make with others. It will be life-changing if you allow it to be and choose to fully engage in every aspect!

If I don’t like the course, can I get a refund?

You can get a full refund within 30 days, but you must submit proof of all worksheets and assignments thoroughly completed that we covered during the first 30 days of the program.

Can I go through the program with someone else like a friend, partner, or family member?

Absolutely, I encourage you to find a friend, accountability partner, a spouse. Each person will need their own paid course ID. There is a discount for teams starting at 5+, please e-mail the team for details. We can also do 1-4 day workshops upon request for an interactive and immersive team building or personal development experience. Please contact us for a quote.

All participants must be 21 years or older unless otherwise approved by our team. Please contact us directly if you have a special request. I have considered doing a parent/teen program as well. There are incredible tools inside the program for helping teens through these challenging and uncertain times and it is a great way for parents to connect with their teen on a deep, meaningful level. If this interests you, please let us know.

© 2024 LUXE Everday | Jamie G. Smith