Youtube Video - Michael Jr.

Know Why!! How to make a Massive Difference in the Impact you make, Everywhere you Go!

April 09, 20191 min read

Know Why!! How to make a Massive Difference in the Impact you make, Everywhere you Go!

Check this video out! I promise it will give you chills and show a depth of understanding that you probably have never truly grasped about why your Why is SO important! I'll meet you below.

I want you to catch something crucial that he says..."When you know your Why your What becomes more impactful because you are walking towards or in your purpose!"

Today, let's wake up, and from the moment our feet hit the floor, choose to be grounded in our Why. Find the life passion that brings more of our authentic selves to the forefront. Engage with everyone we come in contact with, being fully present, while we share our unique brilliance. Expand our limits because we are the only ones that limit ourselves. Live deeply. Love with everything we are. Lead boldly because we have something significant and irreplaceable to offer. Own our Why and personalize it with a genuine connection when we share it.

Be You. Be Real. Be Extraordinary! Live LUXE today and everyday!

What is your Why? I want to know. I want to watch you shine it all over the world! JG

Jamie G. Smith empowers industry leaders to Lead their Unique Extraordinary Existence while they gain the competitive edge through Next Level Strategies, Authority, & Tactical Tools. As a renowned business & lifestyle elevation strategist, speaker, and content creator Jamie is the founder of L.U.X.E. Everyday. LUXE stands for L.ead a U.nique e.X.traordinary E.xistence Everyday. 

With experience spanning 15 years, Jamie has been a catalyst for high achievers to compress time to orchestrate accelerated breakthroughs and quantum leaps in their success. Her powerful signature program, "POWER: Access Your Full, Authentic Power & Become THE Sought after EXPERT”, equips entrepreneurs with a system filled with an arsenal of potent tools that enables them to catapult their lives, businesses, and teams to next level heights.

Jamie is an international speaker who has presented in China, Sweden, Canada and across the United States. She has been featured in publications such as Authority Magazine, Health & Fitness and American Council on Exercise. Jamie has been a spokesperson for BMW, Kia and Bodybar and was selected by REEBOK to be one of the 7 global athletes to launch their dance fitness line to international and U.S. markets. 

Jamie G. Smith

Jamie G. Smith empowers industry leaders to Lead their Unique Extraordinary Existence while they gain the competitive edge through Next Level Strategies, Authority, & Tactical Tools. As a renowned business & lifestyle elevation strategist, speaker, and content creator Jamie is the founder of L.U.X.E. Everyday. LUXE stands for L.ead a U.nique e.X.traordinary E.xistence Everyday.  With experience spanning 15 years, Jamie has been a catalyst for high achievers to compress time to orchestrate accelerated breakthroughs and quantum leaps in their success. Her powerful signature program, "POWER: Access Your Full, Authentic Power & Become THE Sought after EXPERT”, equips entrepreneurs with a system filled with an arsenal of potent tools that enables them to catapult their lives, businesses, and teams to next level heights. Jamie is an international speaker who has presented in China, Sweden, Canada and across the United States. She has been featured in publications such as Authority Magazine, Health & Fitness and American Council on Exercise. Jamie has been a spokesperson for BMW, Kia and Bodybar and was selected by REEBOK to be one of the 7 global athletes to launch their dance fitness line to international and U.S. markets. 

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